
Hello Erasmus! 08. Sep. 2023

Spain was the largest participant, with Portugal, Italy and France sharing the second place, followed by Turkey. This year, students from Greece, Mexico, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan have also come to spend six months on a part-time course at the University of Debrecen (DE).

The largest number of students , 40, came again this year came to the Faculty of Medicine, but many chose the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Pharmacy, the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Science and Technology.

- From the 16th and 17th centuries, it was important for higher education in Debrecen to cultivate international relations, especially with the European Reformed sister schools, the memory of which is preserved in the glass windows of the Main Building's Lobby, showing the cities where the students of the predecessor Reformed College went on peregrinations, Orsolya Jánosy recalled the past in her welcome speech.

In her speech, the head of the International Office of the University of Debrecen stressed that Debrecen has the largest number of foreign students among Hungarian universities, with more than 7,000 students from over 120 countries studying primarily in English-language courses at the institution, which means that the newly arrived Erasmus scholarship holders have a large number of choices to choose from.

After the welcome, the guests were treated to a taste of Hungarian folklore by folk dancers and the Szeredás folk music ensemble, followed by an authentic Hungarian dinner.

The opening evening ended with a joint dance party in front of the Aula.

Naturally, the International Office supports not only the studies of the student who come to opuzr university, but also the scholarship programs of our university citizens abroad. For the academic year 2023/24, the Erasmus mobility scheme has been reopened, with the possibility for teachers to apply for teaching or training mobility and for students to apply for study and work placement mobility. Mobility is open until 31 July 2024.

The deadline for submitting applications for teacher, staff and student mobility is 1 October 2023, while the deadline for student placements is 15 February 2024.

Applications for students:

Study SMS in Hungarian:

Internship SMT Hungarian:

For teachers:

For staff:

You can also find out more at the traditional Foreign Affairs Exchange, which will be held on 20 September, also in the Main Building. At the event, students will be able to learn about mobility opportunities abroad, internships, language courses and meet representatives of various organisations. The event will be accompanied by information presentations in Hungarian and English.

Press centre - BZs


