
New doctors graduating from the University of Debrecen 18. Sep. 2023

In his address, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine emphasized that these recent graduates could be proud that they obtained their knowledge and medical degree at the medical school of one of the largest and most prestigious universities of Hungary, which is indeed prestigious all over Europe.

László Mátyus added that the University of Debrecen had always been characterized by stability and unbroken development, while it had always been open to new ideas. Yet, at the same time, it had preserved the values of medical education and is now ready for further development.
“You have the kind of modern knowledge that enables you to meet the high expectations doctors have to face and satisfy, and you have also proved as volunteer helpers during the pandemic that you are worthy of the medical profession not only on the basis of your professional expertise, but also on the basis of your human stature. Nevertheless, meeting expectations is never easy; it requires continuous learning and training,” said the Dean.
At Saturday's ceremony, a total of 90 Hungarian and 69 foreign graduates from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen took their medical oaths and received their diplomas.

"We, the Vice-Rector of the University of Debrecen and the Senate, by virtue of our powers bound to our offices, on this day award you the title of doctor of medicine as a reward for your studies, and endow you with all the rights and privileges that doctors of medicine are entitled to by law," said Vice Rector for Academic Affairs László Csernoch.

Students and faculty members also received rewards at the ceremony. Eleven graduates were given DETEP certificates in recognition of their work in the university's Talent Management Program (Máté Lajos Kulcsár, Vivien Lénárt, Balázs Miltényi-Szabó, Enikő Virág Székelyhidi, Bálint Timmer, Ákos Virga, Duong Vo Nhu Y, Jacob Chris Mariam, Osemeke Mary Ogorchukwu, Prakash Ashima and Shimo Yunosho).

Beáta Lontay, Associate Professor of the Department of Medical Chemistry, Dezső Tóth, Director of the Department of Surgery and Zoltán Szentkereszty, specialist at the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, were recipients of the award Az Általános Orvostudományi Kar Kiváló Oktatója [Excellent Instructor of the Faculty of Medicine].

In recognition of his outstanding activity as Head of Department at the Department of Neurosurgery, the Faculty decorated Professor László Bognár with the award Pro Facultate.

Students in both the Hungarian and English programs at the Faculty of Medicine cast votes for the teachers and instructors they considered the best and who then received the Faculty of Medicine Teacher of the Year award (Associate Professor Beáta Lontay, Department of Medical Chemistry; Assistant Lecturer Roland Ádám Takács, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology; Assistant Professor Csaba Matta, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology; Assistant Professor András Mihály Birinyi, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology;  Professor Gábor Méhes, Department of Pathology; Assistant Professor Chang Chien Yi-Che, Department of Pathology; Master Lecturer Andrea Fodor, Department of Pulmonology; Assistant Professor Attila Megyeri, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy; Associate Professor Gabriella Emri, Department of Dermatology; Professor György Balla, Department of Paediatrics; Professor László Oláh, Department of Neurology; and Associate Professor Tünde Csépány, Department of Neurology).

In recognition of her outstanding teaching and research work, the faculty awarded Katalin Tóth the honorary title of Associate Professor.

Finally, four recent graduates received a DEHÖK Elnökségi Elismerő Oklevél [DEHÖK Presidential Certificate of Recognition] for their professional and public activities and achievements at the University of Debrecen (Jacob Chris Mariam, Kakish Diala Ra'Ed Kamal, Pathan Afrin Javed and Shimo Yunosho).

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