
Social Work and Social Economics, MA

Faculty: Health Sciences
Campus location: Nyíregyháza
Academic discipline: Medical and Health Sciences

Starting date: September

Language requirements: English language proficiency (assessed at the compulsory entrance interview)

Academic requirements: 
- a relevant BA or BSc degree (in the field of Social Work, Social Policy, Social Pedagogy, Sociology, Social Sciences, Political Sciences, Psychology, Applied Economics, Economic and Financial Mathematical Analysis, Legal Sciences, Pedagogy, Teachers' training, Medical and Health Sciences)
- entrance interview
Duration: 4 semesters


Tuition fee: 5,500 USD/year
Other fees: application fee 150 USD, entrance procedure fee 350 USD

Short description: 
The goal of the program is to integrate and balance the professional standards of social work with the challenges of the social economy.
The purpose of the program is to train professionals who, with the acquired socio-political and managerial skills are able to manage, operate and develop institutions and services in the social economy. The graduates, who are knowledgable of the international professional and ethical principles of social assistance, are able to carry out tasks  in international cooperation.

With the appropriate organizational and organizational development skills, they perform tasks in the field of social services, which, by strengthening the local economy, promote the economic and social integration of disadvantaged social groups.
An additional goal is to prepare graduates, who are able to conduct and evaluate scientific-empirical research, on the basis of which they can develop new models and concepts, not only in Hungary but also in international comparison.

The program is unique because it was created and exists through the cooperation of 7 European partner institutions:

• FH Campus Wien – Austria
• Fachhochschule München – Germany
• University of Ostrava – Czech Republic
• University of Trnava – Slovakia
• Babes-Bolyai University – Romania
• University of Silesia – Poland
• University of Debrecen Faculty of Health – Hungary



Competences related to social management

Graduates are able to understand the operation system of business administration and they can adopt and apply them to social enterprises; 
They are able to analyze social services in terms of quality, impact and efficiency; 
They can plan, organize and implement specific tasks in social enterprises such as evaluation and personnel management; 
They can apply marketing approach to social enterprises and are familiar with marketing of social services; 
They can collect and link information from different fields quickly and integrate them into the interdisciplinary explanation of connections and structures.

Competences related to international cooperation

Graduates are able to recognize and analyze changes and their national and international impacts in social economy on the basis of social, political and economic considerations.  Additionally they are able to develop organizational changes both in national and international relations. 
They are able to recognize and analyze global changes and challenges, with special consideration to institutions working in social sector. They are able to develop and organize international strategic cooperations, to implement international projects and to develop cross border organizational forms.
They have high-quality communication skills in at least one foreign language. They are able to use the information and communication tools relevant to international cooperation at the skill level.

Management competences

Graduates understand management concepts and tasks and based on this knowledge they are able to set up strategies to perform and manage development programs, to develop action plans. They can identify, understand and if necessary manage the necessary organizational changes, they know and apply the peculiarities of learning organizations; 
They can also apply problem-solving methods and procedures at organizational level. They are familiar with and apply knowledge and procedures related to personnel management, development and planning.
They know and apply the relevant laws and regulations, including the existing directives, laws and regulations in the European Union.

Organizational competences

Graduates are able to structure, introduce, evaluate processes; 
They are able to control professional and financial processes in organizations through quality management and controlling; 
They possess sound knowledge of forms, development and analysis of organizations, and can control change processes in a target-oriented way; 
They are able to optimize work processes in order to enhance efficiency without neglecting social aspects and special characteristics of social economy. 

Project-oriented competences

Graduates are able to set up international networks, to initiate and implement international programs in order to find common solutions in the European area to address specific social problems.
They are also able to carry out international programs related to organizational development with the internationally known and accepted methods of project management.

Leadership competences

Graduates are able to understand the strategic and operational elements of the management of institutions and their differences, and they are able to manage and organize related actions, programs and developments.
Based on their law and business economics knowledge, they are able to act responsibly and mediate between cash distributors and clients of social work, between employees and the society.
They have basic knowledge of business law and contractual relationships and are able to apply them in their managerial work.
They have basic knowledge of cost planning and cost-effective operation in the field of funding and are able to apply them in their managerial work.
They are able to manage discussions, meetings, debates, brain storming and similar team planning processes.
They are able to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of certain programs and improvements and to their evaluation.
They are able to organize and manage strategic co-operation between different organizations, institutions and groups based on social planning and controlling.

Researcher competences

Graduates are able to organize and conduct independent research programs using quantitative and qualitative methods.
They are able to initiate, manage and implement international comparative research programs.
They are able to present lectures, presentations in their own mother tongue and at least one foreign language, to attend lectures at national and international conferences, to prepare publications and studies.

Methodological competences, including communication skills related to the use of foreign languages

Graduates are able to evaluate and analyze situations, and are able to develop adequate responses and solutions to the situation.
They are able to perform moderation tasks and apply problem-solving techniques.
They are able to formulate professional resolutions and problem-solving techniques in written and oral form, to explain them and to present them in a target-oriented way. 
They are able to use professional terminology and situational communication in at least one foreign language.
They are able to integrate information from different disciplines, to analyze them in an interdisciplinary way and they are able for their professional adaptation.

Social competences

Graduates are able to cooperate with colleagues and with the employees, they are able to accept and take the opinion of others and the outside world into consideration 
They are able to act in a reliable and loyal way; 
They are able to form organizational culture.
They are able for intercultural communication.
They are able for interdisciplinary cooperation.
They are able to form interaction and communication processes.

Personal competences

Graduates are able for analytical, diagnostic and conceptual thinking.
They are able to think and act in a process-oriented way.
They able for professional and personally well-based ethical arguments.
They able for scientific reflections and critical approach.
They able for self-reflection and self- management.
They are able to recognize, develop and strengthen their own and their colleagues’ professional and human potentials.
They are able for entrepreneurial way of thinking and their application within the social sphere


For further detailed information about the curriculum and subject requirements please check the course Bulletin.


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